daphne · journal

Surviving Amour Fou #6: The Beginning Was the End (a letter)

SB, Of course I’m writing on the 25th anniversary of us finding each other on AOL. That day changed my life. 3/1/1996 truly was the beginning of my life with you. (And it some ways, my life began again 19 years later…) For so many years, I thought we’d celebrate this day together with the… Continue reading Surviving Amour Fou #6: The Beginning Was the End (a letter)


Surviving Amour Fou #5: The May/December Thing

I just finished reading Priscilla Presley’s book about her time with Elvis. Last year, I bought Mayte Garcia’s audiobook about her time with Prince. Sure, Kevin was just an excellent tech, not a worldwide musical sensation. . . but I saw some similarities that had nothing to do with profession. So it got me thinking.… Continue reading Surviving Amour Fou #5: The May/December Thing

daphne · journal

If You’re Suicidal, Read This

So, you’re contemplating killing yourself. Indeed a tough decision. However, there’s a few things you should know before make your attempt. Before I continue, I know there are several common reasons people contemplate suicide. I’d like to address a few of them. If you suffer from a mental illness or are healing from trauma, let… Continue reading If You’re Suicidal, Read This